namespace Doctrine\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\ORM\Exception\ORMException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\PathExpression;
use Exception;
use Stringable;
class QueryException extends ORMException
* @param string $dql
* @return QueryException
public static function dqlError($dql)
return new self($dql);
* @param string $message
* @param Exception|null $previous
* @return QueryException
public static function syntaxError($message, $previous = null)
return new self('[Syntax Error] ' . $message, 0, $previous);
* @param string $message
* @param Exception|null $previous
* @return QueryException
public static function semanticalError($message, $previous = null)
return new self('[Semantical Error] ' . $message, 0, $previous);
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidLockMode()
return new self('Invalid lock mode hint provided.');
* @param string $expected
* @param string $received
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidParameterType($expected, $received)
return new self('Invalid parameter type, ' . $received . ' given, but ' . $expected . ' expected.');
* @param string $pos
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidParameterPosition($pos)
return new self('Invalid parameter position: ' . $pos);
* @param int $expected
* @param int $received
* @return QueryException
public static function tooManyParameters($expected, $received)
return new self('Too many parameters: the query defines ' . $expected . ' parameters and you bound ' . $received);
* @param int $expected
* @param int $received
* @return QueryException
public static function tooFewParameters($expected, $received)
return new self('Too few parameters: the query defines ' . $expected . ' parameters but you only bound ' . $received);
* @param string $value
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidParameterFormat($value)
return new self('Invalid parameter format, ' . $value . ' given, but :<name> or ?<num> expected.');
* @param string $key
* @return QueryException
public static function unknownParameter($key)
return new self('Invalid parameter: token ' . $key . ' is not defined in the query.');
* @return QueryException
public static function parameterTypeMismatch()
return new self('DQL Query parameter and type numbers mismatch, but have to be exactly equal.');
* @param PathExpression $pathExpr
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidPathExpression($pathExpr)
return new self(
"Invalid PathExpression '" . $pathExpr->identificationVariable . '.' . $pathExpr->field . "'."
* @param string|Stringable $literal
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidLiteral($literal)
return new self("Invalid literal '" . $literal . "'");
* @param string[] $assoc
* @psalm-param array<string, string> $assoc
* @return QueryException
public static function iterateWithFetchJoinCollectionNotAllowed($assoc)
return new self(
'Invalid query operation: Not allowed to iterate over fetch join collections ' .
'in class ' . $assoc['sourceEntity'] . ' association ' . $assoc['fieldName']
* @return QueryException
public static function partialObjectsAreDangerous()
return new self(
'Loading partial objects is dangerous. Fetch full objects or consider ' .
'using a different fetch mode. If you really want partial objects, ' .
'set the doctrine.forcePartialLoad query hint to TRUE.'
* @param string[] $assoc
* @psalm-param array<string, string> $assoc
* @return QueryException
public static function overwritingJoinConditionsNotYetSupported($assoc)
return new self(
'Unsupported query operation: It is not yet possible to overwrite the join ' .
'conditions in class ' . $assoc['sourceEntityName'] . ' association ' . $assoc['fieldName'] . '. ' .
'Use WITH to append additional join conditions to the association.'
* @return QueryException
public static function associationPathInverseSideNotSupported(PathExpression $pathExpr)
return new self(
'A single-valued association path expression to an inverse side is not supported in DQL queries. ' .
'Instead of "' . $pathExpr->identificationVariable . '.' . $pathExpr->field . '" use an explicit join.'
* @param string[] $assoc
* @psalm-param array<string, string> $assoc
* @return QueryException
public static function iterateWithFetchJoinNotAllowed($assoc)
return new self(
'Iterate with fetch join in class ' . $assoc['sourceEntity'] .
' using association ' . $assoc['fieldName'] . ' not allowed.'
public static function iterateWithMixedResultNotAllowed(): QueryException
return new self('Iterating a query with mixed results (using scalars) is not supported.');
* @return QueryException
public static function associationPathCompositeKeyNotSupported()
return new self(
'A single-valued association path expression to an entity with a composite primary ' .
'key is not supported. Explicitly name the components of the composite primary key ' .
'in the query.'
* @param string $className
* @param string $rootClass
* @return QueryException
public static function instanceOfUnrelatedClass($className, $rootClass)
return new self("Cannot check if a child of '" . $rootClass . "' is instanceof '" . $className . "', " .
'inheritance hierarchy does not exists between these two classes.');
* @param string $dqlAlias
* @return QueryException
public static function invalidQueryComponent($dqlAlias)
return new self(
"Invalid query component given for DQL alias '" . $dqlAlias . "', " .
"requires 'metadata', 'parent', 'relation', 'map', 'nestingLevel' and 'token' keys."