src/Crud/templates/crud/index_inner.html.twig line 1

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  1. <script>
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  117.             $(".del_item").click(function(e){
  118.                 if (!confirm("{{ 'delete.confirm' | trans({}, 'crud') }}")){
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  126. {% block principal_heading %}
  127. {% endblock %}
  128. {% block filter %}
  129.     {% if showFilter %}
  130.         {% include '@crud\\Common\\filter.html.twig' %}
  131.     {% endif %}
  132. {% endblock filter %}
  133. {% block results %}
  134.     <div class="widget-box transparent">
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  141.                     {% set texto = routeClassName~'.plural' %}     
  142.                     {{ texto | trans({}, 'crud') }} 
  143.                     {#% if filterActive %}&nbsp;(<i class="fas fa-filter blue"></i>&nbsp;{{ 'index.filtrado' | trans({}, 'crud')  }}){% endif %#}
  144.                     {% block more_secondary_heading %}
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  152.                     {% block index_no_elements %}
  153.                         {% if entities|length==0 %}
  154.                             {% block show_no_results %}
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  156.                                     <strong>
  157.                                         <i class="fas fa-info-circle bigger-150"></i>
  158.                                         {% if showFilter %}
  159.                                             {% trans from 'crud' %}{% endtrans %}
  160.                                         {% else %}    
  161.                                             {% trans from 'crud' %}{% endtrans %}
  162.                                         {% endif %}    
  163.                                     </strong>
  164.                                     <br>
  165.                                 </div>
  166.                             {% endblock show_no_results %}
  167.                             {% if newInIndex %}
  168.                                 <br>
  169.                                 <div id="{{ routeClassName }}_botonNuevoDiv" class="forChanges">
  170.                                     {% block button_new_no_elements %}
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  172.                                             {% block button_new_no_elements_href %}
  173.                                                 href="{{ path('crud_plain_new', {'rol' : rol, 'routeClassName': routeClassName} ) }}"
  174.                                             {% endblock button_new_no_elements_href %}
  175.                                             {% block button_new_no_elements_onclick %}
  176.                                             {% endblock button_new_no_elements_onclick %}>
  177.                                             {% set texto = routeClassName~'.singular' %}     
  178.                                             <button class='btn btn-white btn-inverse btn-bold btn-round' title="{% trans from 'crud' %}botones.nuevo{% endtrans %}&nbsp;{{ texto | trans({}, 'crud')|lower }}">
  179.                                                 <i class="fas fa-plus green"></i>
  180.                                                 <span class="hidden-xs">
  181.                                                     {% trans from 'crud' %}botones.nuevo{% endtrans %}
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  192.                     {% block info %}  
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  197.                                 {% block index %}
  198.                                     {% if entities|length>0 %}
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  200.                                             <thead>
  201.                                                 <tr>
  202.                                                     {% block action_header_data %} 
  203.                                                         {% if columnAction %}
  204.                                                             <th id="noExl" style="width: max-content" class="crud_th">{#% trans from 'crud' %}index.acciones.table_header{% endtrans %#}</th>
  205.                                                         {% endif %}
  206.                                                     {% endblock action_header_data %}    
  207.                                                     {% block index_th %}
  208.                                                         {% for field in indexFields %} 
  209.                                                             <th class="crud_th">{{ field['label'] }}</th>
  210.                                                         {% endfor %}   
  211.                                                     {% endblock index_th %}
  212.                                                 </tr>
  213.                                             </thead>
  214.                                             <tbody>
  215.                                                 {% for entity in entities %}
  216.                                                     <tr id="tr_{{ }}" entityId='{{ }}' {% block tr_attr %}{% endblock tr_attr %}>
  217.                                                         {% block action_column_data %} 
  218.                                                             {% if columnAction %}
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  221.                                                                         <nobr>  
  222.                                                                             {% block index_actions %}
  223.                                                                                 {% if showInIndex %}
  224.                                                                                     {% block show_action %}    
  225.                                                                                         <a class="action_show" href="{{ path('crud_plain_show', { 'rol': rol, 'id':, 'routeClassName': routeClassName }) }}" itemid="{{ }}">
  226.                                                                                             <i class="{{ buttons['view'] }} bigger-150" title="{% trans from 'crud' %}index.acciones.show_alt{% endtrans %}"></i>
  227.                                                                                         </a>
  228.                                                                                     {% endblock show_action %}    
  229.                                                                                 {% endif %}        
  230.                                                                                 {% if editInIndex %}
  231.                                                                                     {% if not entity.getSistema() %}
  232.                                                                                         {% block edit_action %}    
  233.                                                                                             <a class="action_edit" href="{{ path('crud_plain_edit', { 'id':, 'rol': rol, 'routeClassName': routeClassName }) }}" itemid="{{ }}">
  234.                                                                                                 <i class="{{ buttons['edit'] }} bigger-150" title="{% trans from 'crud' %}index.acciones.edit_alt{% endtrans %}"></i>
  235.                                                                                             </a>
  236.                                                                                         {% endblock edit_action %}    
  237.                                                                                     {% endif %}        
  238.                                                                                 {% endif %}        
  239.                                                                                 {% if deleteInIndex %}
  240.                                                                                     {% if not entity.getSistema() %}
  241.                                                                                         {% block delete_action %}    
  242.                                                                                             <a class="del_item" href="{{ path('crud_plain_delete', { 'id':, 'rol': rol, 'routeClassName': routeClassName }) }}" itemid="{{ }}">
  243.                                                                                                 <i class="{{ buttons['delete'] }} bigger-150" title="{% trans from 'crud' %}index.acciones.delete_alt{% endtrans %}"></i>
  244.                                                                                                 <!--img src="{{ asset(buttons['delete']) }}" title="{% trans from 'crud' %}index.acciones.delete_alt{% endtrans %}"-->
  245.                                                                                             </a>
  246.                                                                                         {% endblock delete_action %}    
  247.                                                                                     {% endif %}        
  248.                                                                                 {% endif %}        
  249.                                                                             {% endblock %}
  250.                                                                         </nobr>
  251.                                                                     </div>                                          
  252.                                                                 </td>
  253.                                                             {% endif %}
  254.                                                         {% endblock action_column_data %}    
  255.                                                         {% block index_data %}
  256.                                                             {% for field in indexFields %}
  257.                                                                 <td  class="crud_td {{ field['nombre'] }}" {% block styleCellData %}{% endblock %}>
  258.                                                                     {% block cellData %}
  259.                                                                         {% if field['type'] is defined and isSubString(field['type'],'attach') and entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) %}
  260.                                                                             <a href="{{ absolute_url(entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']).getUrl()) }}" target="_blank">{{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']).getFileName() }}</a>
  261.                                                                         {% else %}
  262.                                                                         {% if field['type'] is defined and isSubString(field['type'],'image') and entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) %}
  263.                                                                             <img width="{{ imageWidth }}" src="{{ absolute_url(entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']).getUrl()) }}">
  264.                                                                         {% else %}
  265.                                                                             {% if field['type'] is defined and field['type']=='datetime' and entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) %}
  266.                                                                                 {{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])|date('Y/m/d H:i') }}
  267.                                                                             {% else %}
  268.                                                                                 {%if field['type'] is defined and (field['type']=='fecha' or field['type']=='date') and entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])%}
  269.                                                                                     {{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])|date('Y/m/d') }}
  270.                                                                                 {% else%}
  271.                                                                                     {%if field['type'] is defined and (field['type']=='hora' or field['type']=='time') and entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])%}
  272.                                                                                         {{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])|date('H:i') }}
  273.                                                                                     {% else%}
  274.                                                                                         {% if field['type'] is defined and field['type']=='boolean' and booleans[entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])] is defined %}
  275.                                                                                             {#<i class="{{ booleans[entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre'])] }}"></i>#}
  276.                                                                                             <span class="hide">{{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) }}</span>
  277.                                                                                             <div style="text-align: center">
  278.                                                                                                 <label class="block">
  279.                                                                                                     <input class="ace ace-switch ace-switch-5 ace-index" type="checkbox" style="width: 100%" {% if entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) %}checked="{{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) }}"{% endif %}>
  280.                                                                                                     <span class="lbl" data-lbl="&nbsp;{{ 'choice_value.yes' | trans({}, 'crud') | upper}}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ ''  | trans({}, 'crud') | upper}}"></span>
  281.                                                                                                 </label>
  282.                                                                                             </div>
  283.                                                                                         {% else %}
  284.                                                                                             {% autoescape %}{{ entity.getFieldValue(field['nombre']) | raw }}{% endautoescape %}
  285.                                                                                             {% endif %}
  286.                                                                                         {% endif %}
  287.                                                                                     {% endif %}
  288.                                                                                 {% endif %}
  289.                                                                             {% endif %}
  290.                                                                         {% endif %}
  291.                                                                     {% endblock %}
  292.                                                                 </td>       
  293.                                                             {% endfor %}   
  294.                                                         {% endblock %}
  295.                                                     </tr>
  296.                                                 {% endfor %}
  297.                                             </tbody>
  298.                                         </table>
  299.                                     {% endif %}
  300.                                 {% endblock index %}
  301.                             </div>   {# end column #}
  302.                             {% block other_columns %}
  303.                             {% endblock other_columns %}
  304.                         </div>    {# end row #}    
  305.                     {% endblock info %}
  306.                 {% endblock table %}
  307.             </div>                   
  308.         </div>                   
  309.     </div>
  310. {% endblock results %}